Become a sharing technology leader

We launched Brick successfully in the Swedish market, after many pitfalls. We’re now paving way to support you as you expand to your local market.
Girl taking a selfie while loading her phone with a Brick

Get to know some of our existing partners

From creative partnerpreneurs in Peru to big business in Australia and Kenya, Brick’s partners have different backgrounds but similar experiences with launching Brick in their markets.
market owner in scotland

Market Owner Scotland

The best thing is that you’re earning your own money and that you are the one that’s in control of everything.
Network partner in London

Network Partner London

I love how simple the partnership has been. From contact to delivery in less than two months with stations, dashboard, and payment solution all ready to go.
Market owner in Canada

Market Owner Canada

The product was an instant fit with our existing product portfolio, it’s been great to expand our business in such an effortless way.

Find a suitable partnership deal

Pricing may vary depending on the region, figure out what your goals are, and let’s find a deal that works for you.
Get started from €3'980

Network Partner

For side hustles, trialling the concept, or achieving passive income.
  • alo Get started from 20 stations
  • alo Personal dashboard access
  • alo Be a part of the local network
  • alo Grow your network independently
  • alo Join the global partnership network
Get Started
Get a tailored offer for your market

Market Owner

For building a large scale business and conquering your local market.
  • alo Get started from 100 stations
  • alo Team dashboard access
  • alo Exclusivity in your market
  • alo Partner success program
  • alo Goals & benefits
Get Started

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5 steps to get started

How do I actually get started as a Brick partner? We’ve summarized the 5 key steps to get going!
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How much will it cost to start?

Like with any investment, there is a cost to get started. Get the full breakdown on how much it could be.
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Costs for power consumption

Curious about the power consumption of the stations? Don’t worry, it’s quite low. How low? Let’s find out!
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What can I expect to earn?

What is the pay-off time? How much will actually end up in my pockets after all is said and done? It depends.
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What help will I get after signing?

What does the partner success program actually entail? How can Brick help after signing?
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How do I promote the business?

Anxious about how to actually promote your network? Don’t worry, it’s actually ridiculously easy!
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